Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Should I get Gears of War?

GoW 2 is shaping up to be a game that I would want. However, I've never played through the first one, and I would feel guilty getting the second without experiencing the first. Fact is, I borrow GoW from a friend and played through the first two levels, then lost interest and gave it back. It wasn't that it was a bad game, it's just that it wasn't as good as I had imagined. However, given more time I might have loved it. It wouldn't have been the first game for that to happen; I hated the first couple hours of metroid prime but by the end of that game I was balls-deep in my own joy. Basically, I'm deciding between getting GoW, Orange Box, or, pending a terrible review, Battlefield: Bad Company. Shooters that I play the most are Halo and CoD4. Big selling point, does GoW allow split-screen online multiplayer a-la Halo? My roommate and I game quite a bit in college, so that's a near must for a game. Opinoins and input appreciated. I need to get off the boards while in the office >.< Should I get Gears of War?
Orange Box is only good on the PC. Get GoW now, because it does offer splitscreen multiplayer and the ability to rape your opponents with a chainsaw.Should I get Gears of War?
[QUOTE=''Ventric'']Orange Box is only good on the PC. Get GoW now, because it does offer splitscreen multiplayer and the ability to rape your opponents with a chainsaw.[/QUOTE]i agree with they rapeage and u do need to get 1 it's awsome once u get further in. and if ur having adifficult time then u could play co-op on xbox live with people and trust me do it it makes it easier and at the end u'll definetly need all the help u can get.
Orange Box and Gears are both must haves. Gears does offer split screen in multiplayer and co-op. You could probably get it for cheap off of ebay or something too.
u said u only played the first two levels of campaign....u should have tried multiplayer. that is wat made the game for me and thats wat made me love it so much. so i say get gears of war because so many ppl still play it and its jus tyte. plus GOW 2 wont come out till at least novmeber. thats a long time. and yea it does have split screening
Buy it. I believe the price finally dropped, it its fun co-op.
Yes, it's worth picking up for sure!
New thread topic should be: WHEN is the TC going to buy it?
Yeah i would get it. It's been out for ages should it should be pretty cheap.
Get it, it has splitscreen multiplayer online and you can play through the campaign in co-op.
GoW is a horrible game full of glitches that takes little skill where its more like run at eachother (after wasting a round of ammo on the wall to get the active reload) shotguns blazing whoever hits first wins. its a game full of teens who are only good at the game cuz there is little skill involved. put it this way my roomate never played videogames untill i should him gears now its the only game he plays becuz he is good at it but horrible at all other games. it has a horrible lobby system that sometimes has u waiting for 10-30mins to start a game. ppl fight ovr what team to be on. u cnt play ranked matches with ur friends which is what i thought live was all about. the single player experience is good but short
[QUOTE=''Ventric'']New thread topic should be: WHEN is the TC going to buy it?[/QUOTE] Today. The girlfriend just got it for me, even though I didn't want her spending her money. Free game is free, though. See you all online once I have time.
[QUOTE=''Fresh1109''][QUOTE=''Ventric'']New thread topic should be: WHEN is the TC going to buy it?[/QUOTE] Today. The girlfriend just got it for me, even though I didn't want her spending her money. Free game is free, though. See you all online once I have time.[/QUOTE]TC wins +10 internets.
Why not? Get all three.
Yes get it, cheap thrills abound. Like it's producers it's an epic game with good length campaign, v cinematic and great graphics, awesome split screen action too adds to replay value. My only critisms are; gun play feels a little disconnected, guns don't really pack much of a punch and ememies i.e. locust are a bit generic.
Dude Gears Of War would have gotten perfect scores if the single player was better. It is the campign that falls short on Gears. The multiplayer is where its at. Get Gears Of War. Gears Of War 2 is gonna be sick. Check this stuff out at this link everyone!http://gearsofwar2forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5%26t=52
[QUOTE=''chefstubbies'']Yes, it's worth picking up for sure![/QUOTE]I second
[QUOTE=''RushMetallica''][QUOTE=''chefstubbies'']Yes, it's worth picking up for sure![/QUOTE]I second[/QUOTE]I seventh.
Personally I'd rent GoW...

I didn't like the multiplayer much, and I only enjoyed the campaign.

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