whats the story on those, anybody knows?they have warranty, right? just wondering..thankswould you buy one of does used 360s at g ...
I'm not sure I understand the question...but I never buy any consoles used, let alone from Gamestop.would you buy one of does used 360s at g ...
Never, something like the towel trick should steer you away from that option very quickly.
i think there ok,i mean cheap and if it breaks u can either return it or send it into xbox like everyone else lmao!
Not really, only if there is a good game for a really good deal
I wouldn't buy a 360 used, only because the minor price savings is not worth it in case it breaks. Unless you found one and were given the original receipt for about $100, it wouldn't be worth it.
Nope I wouldnt.
[QUOTE=''racastro65'']whats the story on those, anybody knows?they have warranty, right?just wondering..thanks[/QUOTE]I don't know about the warrenty, but if your looking at playing Xbox Live, the I wouldn't. If someone modded their Xbox and got busted, then the whole xbox 360 unit is not allowed onto xbox live. I wouldn't take the chance of getting one of those.
buy it used at gamestop, THEN whatcha do my good fellow is go up to your local futureshop and purchase a BRAN NEW ONE, then sir what you do is take your new one, hook it up and put the old xbox back in the new case then procede to take the 360 back to future shop. NOW, what you want to do before this is make sure the return clerks are total **** idiots otherwise they will check the bar codes... ive done this several times and im the lucky one ive been told. but if all works well then you should have a bran new xbox for 200 or less. thats some good advice son. id take it if i were you
Hell no
[QUOTE=''doonkoon''] buy it used at gamestop, THEN whatcha do my good fellow is go up to your local futureshop and purchase a BRAN NEW ONE, then sir what you do is take your new one, hook it up and put the old xbox back in the new case then procede to take the 360 back to future shop. NOW, what you want to do before this is make sure the return clerks are total **** idiots otherwise they will check the bar codes... ive done this several times and im the lucky one ive been told. but if all works well then you should have a bran new xbox for 200 or less. thats some good advice son. id take it if i were you [/QUOTE]what ever you do, don't do this.. it's called fraud and where i'm from, it's a crime.buying anything used comes with the risk of it falling. you might want to check to see which version it is, especially if it has the HDMI port or not. You want one with the newest chipset. Those should be the HDMI equipped ones.
HA! bulletwitch... since when do you see huge corporations giving back to the community.. their facking capitilising bastards that can afford to have more then millions of dollars of merchandise stolen ever year. and not to mention microsoft is the worst of all with their schemes and **** software that works worth **** the way i see it is im volunteering them to giving back to the community. who needs to make billions in profits.. if you disagree with me then your totaly blind.. blinded by all the propaganda the capitilising bastards are spewing out at you. you no doubt shop at walmart too.. buying cheap boiled down useless crap all the while feeding your propagating capitilising money drivin bastards that you think soo diserve their massive proffits in turn making us poorer. i say scam future shop, walmart, zellers, microsoft sony the **** government.. cause theyre all scamin usk im done..
Honestly, I wouldnt buy an game consoles used unless you can buy one from a trusted friend or family member. It's just not worth it at the end of the day when your system is going haywire and you're pulling out books to troubleshoot your misery away. From my personal experience, I have a 60GB PS3, and if it werent for the rarity of this model, and the fact that it's backwards compatible with the Emotion engine, I would have never bought it used. I'm a hassle-free kind of guy and I dont want to be stuck with a piece of junk that's dead weight. Fork over the extra cash to get a new system. If you dont have enough money yet, be patient. Trust me, it will pay off big time when you're not pulling out your hair trying to figure out what's wrong with your game console. I hope this helps. Good luck.
[QUOTE=''doonkoon''] HA! bulletwitch... since when do you see huge corporations giving back to the community.. their facking capitilising bastards that can afford to have more then millions of dollars of merchandise stolen ever year. and not to mention microsoft is the worst of all with their schemes and **** software that works worth **** the way i see it is im volunteering them to giving back to the community. who needs to make billions in profits.. if you disagree with me then your totaly blind.. blinded by all the propaganda the capitilising bastards are spewing out at you. you no doubt shop at walmart too.. buying cheap boiled down useless crap all the while feeding your propagating capitilising money drivin bastards that you think soo diserve their massive proffits in turn making us poorer. i say scam future shop, walmart, zellers, microsoft sony the **** government.. cause theyre all scamin usk im done..[/QUOTE] You'd make a great activist. I understand where you're coming from and I see that you're passionate. I would exert that passion to fuel other things. Bulletwitch is right, it's wrong. Plain and simple. What if you get caught? Now what? Jail time perhaps? Is it really worth it, for $200? I think not. A permanent bad record isnt going to help your financial woes int he future either. Not to mention the bail money you have to fork over to get your butt out of the slammer. Thou shall not steal.
oh your one o' them to eh elan. well fine then people.. dont take my advice.. but right now, i think im gonna have some quality time playing h3 on my stolen xbox with my scaming of xbox live that i get for free once a month oin conjunction with my jacked wireless network connection along with a bag of chips i five finger discounted at sev.... oh i payed for my headset tho(it was from eb games) peace an azz grease
Yeah, I got one used at gamestop. It bricked fivem onths later and fortunatly I got a free repair courtecy of Microsoft.
I'd never buy a current generation console used. Older ones sure, but out of the current ones no way.
Given the technical problems the 360 seems to have, I would say buying it second hand is a huge risk. Dont take your chances, and just buy it brand new. Now if you were talking about an original xbox, then thats different, and I would go ahead and buy it second hand.
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