I have a bad feeling...but it said when i bought the console on ebay that it would not include an HDMI port.. What does that mean? And it said it MAY have an upgraded fan...what is that?It was an auction for an xbox360,and i won for 180$.Heres a link to the seller... seems like he has alot of these xbox 360s... http://video-games.search.ebay.com/_Systems_W0QQcatrefZC12QQsacatZ139971QQsassZdiegofcardenasIt has a 30 day return policy, and i hope that i can make full use of it if the case comes up. What is a HDMI port?(i just bought a xbo ...
HDMI port is another cable that gives you hi-def picture quality. It is found on 360's made around September-October of 2007 and after. I don't know about buying a used 360, since it is opened already since he said it has an upgraded fan this voids any warranty through Microsoft. If you have a 1080p TV then HDMI would come in handy but if not then the included, well should be included, component cables will do the job just fine. What is a HDMI port?(i just bought a xbo ...
[QUOTE=''TM1'']HDMI port is another cable that gives you hi-def picture quality. It is found on 360's made around September-October of 2007 and after. I don't know about buying a used 360, since it is opened already since he said it has an upgraded fan this voids any warranty through Microsoft. If you have a 1080p TV then HDMI would come in handy but if not then the included, well should be included, component cables will do the job just fine. [/QUOTE]So an upgraded fan voids warrenty? I mean, i thought the upgraded fan was just something new to stop the RRoD. So there isn't an fan in a noraml xbox 360? I'm confused.
[QUOTE=''da2730da''][QUOTE=''TM1'']HDMI port is another cable that gives you hi-def picture quality. It is found on 360's made around September-October of 2007 and after. I don't know about buying a used 360, since it is opened already since he said it has an upgraded fan this voids any warranty through Microsoft. If you have a 1080p TV then HDMI would come in handy but if not then the included, well should be included, component cables will do the job just fine. [/QUOTE]So an upgraded fan voids warrenty? I mean, i thought the upgraded fan was just something new to stop the RRoD. So there isn't an fan in a noraml xbox 360? I'm confused.[/QUOTE]There is a fan already in the 360, but the word upgrade means to improve so that would mean theres supposed to be a ''better'' fan that the seller or someone else put inside. In order to upgrade a fan the 360 must be opened thus voiding MS's warranty. In order for MS to fix a broken 360 one of the requirements is to not have opened the 360.
I wouldn't touch one of those consoles. The description says they are refurbished consoles, which means there was a fault with them and have since been repaired, but not returned to the original owner, who was given another console. What you have bought is one of the older model 360's that someone else sent back because it broke.That seller may offer a warranty, but depending on what was done to the console, and who did the ''repairs'' any warranty with Microsoft may already have been voided by opening the case.If it works you have a good deal, but it is risky
Check the back of your console: If the barcode sticker with your 360's serial number has been tampered with (i.e. obviously peeled off and put back, or slit down the middle, then your 360 has been opened and the warranty is void. Otherwise, the seller might simply be trying to tell you that it's a more modern 360 with a better fan (as opposed to the launch-era consoles that have crap fans and sound like a jet aircraft taking off).As for the HDMI, I wouldn't worry about it unless you have a TV over about 42'' that is capable of 1080p. For TVs smaller than that, you won't be able to tell much difference between HDMI and the regular component HD cables.
[QUOTE=''Avenger1324''] I wouldn't touch one of those consoles. The description says they are refurbished consoles, which means there was a fault with them and have since been repaired, but not returned to the original owner, who was given another console. What you have bought is one of the older model 360's that someone else sent back because it broke.That seller may offer a warranty, but depending on what was done to the console, and who did the ''repairs'' any warranty with Microsoft may already have been voided by opening the case.If it works you have a good deal, but it is risky[/QUOTE] well, if it breaks, i have 30 days to get a real warrenty(which refunds all money) so i have a safty net just in case.
I'm an HDMI Port
sux for u...either means u got an arcade or an old pro
[QUOTE=''The_GR8_H'']sux for u...either means u got an arcade or an old pro[/QUOTE]Care to explain?
[QUOTE=''The_GR8_H'']sux for u...either means u got an arcade or an old pro[/QUOTE]Arcades have the HDMI. As well as the new Premium (Pro), and the Elites always have.The Core did not have HDMI, neither did the old Premium.
[QUOTE=''The_GR8_H'']sux for u...either means u got an arcade or an old pro[/QUOTE]Lulz at teh truth.
[QUOTE=''The_GR8_H'']sux for u...either means u got an arcade or an old pro[/QUOTE]Uhhhh, the arcades have an HDMI output. In fact all 360's now are HDMI ready.
[QUOTE=''TM1''][QUOTE=''The_GR8_H'']sux for u...either means u got an arcade or an old pro[/QUOTE]Uhhhh, the arcades have an HDMI output. In fact all 360's now are HDMI ready. [/QUOTE]He bought a used one that was made before all were HDMI ready.
[QUOTE=''Ventric''][QUOTE=''TM1''] [QUOTE=''The_GR8_H'']sux for u...either means u got an arcade or an old pro[/QUOTE] Uhhhh, the arcades have an HDMI output. In fact all 360's now are HDMI ready. [/QUOTE]He bought a used one that was made before all were HDMI ready.[/QUOTE]Yeah, but that guy said that the Arcades don't have HDMI, but they have always had HDMI. I think he meant to say Core.
[QUOTE=''da2730da''] I have a bad feeling...but it said when i bought the console on ebay that it would not include an HDMI port.. What does that mean? And it said it MAY have an upgraded fan...what is that?It was an auction for an xbox360,and i won for 180$.Heres a link to the seller... seems like he has alot of these xbox 360s...http://video-games.search.ebay.com/_Systems_W0QQcatrefZC12QQsacatZ139971QQsassZdiegofcardenasIt has a 30 day return policy, and i hope that i can make full use of it if the case comes up. [/QUOTE] You must have bought older version 360,with older, bigger,hotter running chips too.The newest versions all have HDMI as standard.
[QUOTE=''sizzlingdviper''][QUOTE=''da2730da''] I have a bad feeling...but it said when i bought the console on ebay that it would not include an HDMI port.. What does that mean? And it said it MAY have an upgraded fan...what is that?It was an auction for an xbox360,and i won for 180$.Heres a link to the seller... seems like he has alot of these xbox 360s...http://video-games.search.ebay.com/_Systems_W0QQcatrefZC12QQsacatZ139971QQsassZdiegofcardenasIt has a 30 day return policy, and i hope that i can make full use of it if the case comes up.[/QUOTE] You must have bought older version 360,with older, bigger,hotter running chips too.The newest versions all have HDMI as standard.[/QUOTE]I also enjoy a good sandwich.
Didn't some other guy also buy a console from this guy?
Isn't that the seller who's picking consoles ''RANDOMLY'' out of a pile of refurbished ones?Anyway, here's the 360 I'm bidding on. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna win. Not for $2, I'm sure. I set up a maximum bid that no one will beat. I guarantee it. I made sure the box said ''Go Pro''. That means it has the Falcon chipset (and therefore, HDMI).Also made sure it's new AND sealed. You need to also be certain that the seller doesn't have much negative feedback.
If they were refurbished by Microsoft, in some cases they will end up being more dependable than a brand new one, since they've already been tested out of the box and any issues it might have had were fixed.Even so, I wouldn't go for one that has a void warranty.
[QUOTE=''Making_Pudding'']Didn't some other guy also buy a console from this guy?
Isn't that the seller who's picking consoles ''RANDOMLY'' out of a pile of refurbished ones?Anyway, here's the 360 I'm bidding on. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna win. Not for $2, I'm sure. I set up a maximum bid that no one will beat. I guarantee it. I made sure the box said ''Go Pro''. That means it has the Falcon chipset (and therefore, HDMI).Also made sure it's new AND sealed. You need to also be certain that the seller doesn't have much negative feedback.[/QUOTE]Why would people be selling them so